Life Diagnostics, Inc., manufactures PEG reagents including antibodies, ELISA kits and PEGylated proteins.
- PEG antibodies (monoclonal, backbone and methoxy-group specific)
- Anti-PEG agarose (9B5-AG) for affinity purification of PEGylated proteins
- PEG ELISA kits
- A competitive ELISA for detection of PEGylated proteins (methoxy and non-methoxy)
- A rapid sandwich ELISA for detection of methoxy-PEG (mPEG) and mPEGylated proteins
- Anti-PEG IgG and IgM ELISA’s for measurement of PEG antibody levels in mouse, rat and monkey serum or plasma
- PEG SPARCLâ„¢ Kits
- Kits are available for measurement of methoxy and non-methoxy PEG and PEGylated proteins
- PEGylated Proteins for use as reference reagents
In addition, we manufacture PEG-coated plates and a blocking buffer that was designed specifically for use in immunoassays for PEG or PEG antibodies. Most commercial ELISA buffers contain detergents such as Tween-20 (a PEG containing detergent) that interferes with PEG assays. Our blocking buffer is a detergent and PEG free reagent that blocks and stabilizes plates coated with either PEG or PEG antibodies. Information on these reagents can be found on the PEG ELISA kits page.